19 Yakubitsa str., Lozenets District, Sofia, Bulgaria

We Connect Aviation Regulatory Training Organisations

Our membership categories are tailored to foster a diverse community committed to the highest standards in EASA Compliant Aviation Regulatory and Vocational Training.

Determine Your Membership Category

  • Full Membership is designated for entities directly involved in delivering EASA compliant training. As a Full Member, you will be able to showcase the ARTSA logo as a mark of quality and commitment on your website and materials.
  • Associate Membership is open to individuals and organizations that support ARTSA’s objectives. Associate Membership signifies your support for the industry’s best practices, though it doesn’t grant voting rights within the Association.
  • Honorary Membership is a special status given to select external bodies contributing to our goals and supporting ARTSA’s initiatives.

    Download Application Form


Membership Conditions

With the exception of Honorary Members, all potential new members are accepted as either Candidate Full Members or as Associate Members.

Candidate Full Members agree to meet & abide by the following conditions (as applicable) as a condition of being accepted as a Full Member.

  • Full membership of the ARTSA shall be open to any natural person or organisation whose business is to deliver EASA Compliant Aviation Regulatory and Vocational training and agree to adhere to the Code of Conduct and other standards and rules set by the Association.
  • Any Company or person who is not able to fully commit to meeting the requirements may Seek Associate Membership.
  • Associate membership of ARTSA is available to any individual or non-training organisation who supports the objectives of the Association. Associate Members are not entitled to vote.)

Note – Honorary membership is reserved for specific external organisations who are supporting the objectives of the Association without being bound by its code of conduct.

Once all conditions are met and validated, A Full Member may display the ARTSA logo on their company website announcing they are a full member of the Association.

The candidate full member is able to demonstrate all of the following as applicable to their particular business undertakings.

     (a) Procedure to ensure that the content of the trainings is accurate, relevant and in full alignment with current regulations.

     (b) Procedure to promptly incorporate changes in aviation regulations into the training content.

     (c) Procedure to ensure that training materials are regularly updated to reflect the latest industry standards.

     (d) Agree to conduct business based on Non-Discrimination:

          (i) To promote equal opportunity and not to discriminate based on factors such as race, gender, religion, or nationality.

     (e) To comply with GDPR requirements all Members must handle sensitive information, including participant data, in a confidential and secure manner.

     (f) To provide all Regulatory Authorities with free guest access to online, classroom or webinar training for audit & assessment purposes.

     (g) Process to Manage Instructor Competence on a Continuous Basis

     (h) Instructors to complete appropriate TTT course.

          (i) Shall receive additional training covering at least learning style, teaching method associated to virtual classroom instruction, such as videoconferencing, and a familiarization to the used virtual classroom instruction system.

          (ii) Able to demonstrate the ability to manage time, training media and equipment and tools to ensure that the training objectives are met.

          (iii) Able to virtually lead a group through small tasks including brainstorming & discussions etc.

          (iv) Able to perform any necessary assessment of the student(s) including proper identification of the assessed student.

(i) Process to Manage Instructor Competence on a Continuous Basis

(j) Instructors to complete appropriate TTT course.

(k) Applicant Company agrees to supply information to enable a background check to confirm Bona fide

(l) Classroom Facilities if applicable to meet the following Standard

(m) Full Members Must Be ISO 9001-2015 Compliant

(n) Certificates – Electronic Storage (Soft Copy) – Minimum 7 Years

(o) Certificates shall include:

(p) A unique Tracking Number

(q) Summary Details of the Training

(r) The Name of the Delegate

(s) Full Members may include the ARTSA Logo on the Certificates

(t) Logo of the association may be placed on the members website and linked to the ARTSA website.

(u) ARTSA website will provide links to all members

(v) Annual desktop audit against an ARTSA checklist to be filled and signed by the member company Quality manager.

(w) All delivered Training Material must either be, Open Source, With Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) or IPR owner permission

Our membership categories are tailored to foster a diverse community committed to the highest standards in EASA-Compliant Aviation Regulatory and Vocational Training.

Determine Your Membership Category


  • Full Membership is designated for entities directly involved in delivering EASA compliant training. As a Full Member, you will be able to showcase the ARTSA logo as a mark of quality and commitment on your website and materials.
  • Associate Membership is open to individuals and organizations that support ARTSA’s objectives. Associate Membership signifies your support for the industry’s best practices, though it doesn’t grant voting rights within the Association.
  • Honorary Membership is a special status given to select external bodies contributing to our goals and supporting ARTSA’s initiatives.

Download Application Form

Membership Conditions

With the exception of Honorary Members, all potential new members are accepted as either Candidate Full Members or as Associate Members.

Candidate Full Members agree to meet & abide by the following conditions (as applicable) as a condition of being accepted as a Full Member.

  • Full membership of the ARTSA shall be open to any natural person or organisation whose business is to deliver EASA Compliant Aviation Regulatory and Vocational training and agree to adhere to the Code of Conduct and other standards and rules set by the Association.
  • Any Company or person who is not able to fully commit to meeting the requirements may Seek Associate Membership.
  • Associate membership of ARTSA is available to any individual or non-training organisation who supports the objectives of the Association. Associate Members are not entitled to vote.)

Note – Honorary membership is reserved for specific external organisations who are supporting the objectives of the Association without being bound by its code of conduct.

Once all conditions are met and validated, A Full Member may display the ARTSA logo on their company website announcing they are a full member of the Association.

The candidate full member is able to demonstrate all of the following as applicable to their particular business undertakings.

(a) Procedure to ensure that the content of the trainings is accurate, relevant and in full alignment with current regulations.

(b) Procedure to promptly incorporate changes in aviation regulations into the training content.

(c) Procedure to ensure that training materials are regularly updated to reflect the latest industry standards.

(d) Agree to conduct business based on Non-Discrimination:

(i) To promote equal opportunity and not to discriminate based on factors such as race, gender, religion, or nationality.

(e) To comply with GDPR requirements all Members must handle sensitive information, including participant data, in a confidential and secure manner.

(f) To provide all Regulatory Authorities with free guest access to online, classroom or webinar training for audit & assessment purposes.

(g) Process to Manage Instructor Competence on a Continuous Basis

  1. Instructors to complete appropriate TTT course.
  2. Shall receive additional training covering at least learning style, teaching method associated to virtual classroom instruction, such as videoconferencing, and a familiarization to the used virtual classroom instruction system.
  3. Able to demonstrate the ability to manage time, training media and equipment and tools to ensure that the training objectives are met.
  4. Able to virtually lead a group through small tasks including brainstorming & discussions etc.
  5. Able to perform any necessary assessment of the student(s) including proper identification of the assessed student.

(h) Applicant Company agrees to supply information to enable a background check to confirm Bona fide

(i) Classroom Facilities if applicable to meet the following Standard

(j) Full Members Must Be ISO 9001-2015 Compliant

(k) Certificates – Electronic Storage (Soft Copy) – Minimum 7 Years

(l) Certificates shall include:

  1. A unique Tracking Number
  2. Summary Details of the Training
  3. The Name of the Delegate

(m) Full Members may include the ARTSA Logo on the Certificates

(n) Logo of the association may be placed on the members website and linked to the ARTSA website.

(o) ARTSA website will provide links to all members

(p) Annual desktop audit against an ARTSA checklist to be filled and signed by the member company Quality manager.

(q) All delivered Training Material must either be, Open Source, With Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) or IPR owner permission

Classroom Training

See Appendix A – Typical Criteria to Apply to a Classroom to Deliver Aviation Regulatory Training to Small Groups of Students

Webinar Training 

See Appendix B – Typical Criteria to Apply to Virtual Delivery (Webinar) Aviation Regulatory Training to Small Groups of Students

Online Training

See Appendix C – Typical Criteria to Apply to Virtual Delivery (Online) Aviation Regulatory Training to Self-Paced Individuals

Application Submission

Submit your application form, including all required documentation and proof of meeting the above conditions. (hyperlink to Resource Page) complete and email to office@artsa.aero

Verification and Approval

Your application will be reviewed by ARTSA officials. Upon successful verification, you will be welcomed as a member and granted full access to ARTSA membership benefits.

Maintain and Enhance Your Status

Continue to develop your services and maintain compliance to ensure your membership remains in good standing. This includes participating in regular audits and updates to keep in line with industry advancements.

By joining ARTSA, you commit to excellence in aviation training, contributing to safer skies and better services worldwide. We look forward to having you onboard.

For more details on criteria mentioned in appendices and for the application form, please navigate to the respective sections on our website.


To ensure the continuous functioning of its operations, ARTSA has established the following membership fees:

  • Full Member: 750 EUR/yearly
  • Associate Member: 500 EUR/yearly
  • Associate Individual: 300 EUR/yearly

In addition to the annual membership fees, there are initial application fees for joining ARTSA:

  • Initial Application Fee (Full & Associate): 500 EUR
  • Initial Application Fee (Individual Associate): 300 EUR

These fees play a pivotal role in sustaining ARTSA’s operations and facilitating the exchange of knowledge and resources within the aviation community. To note, the fees are exclusive of taxes, and the following tax-related information should be considered:

  • All fees are subject to applicable taxes as per local regulations.
  • Members are responsible for any additional taxes imposed on membership fees in their respective jurisdictions.
  • It is recommended to consult local tax authorities for specific information on tax implications related to ARTSA membership fees.